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Quantitative Research

Sometimes you need the certainty of a large sampling before you can make the right decision.

icon kids & youth offers different methods for this.

  • Face-to-face representative surveys: The gold standard with respect to the result quality but very time-consuming and expensive.
  • Test studio interviews: Quick and efficient when actual presentations have to be shown or if confidentiality is a major issue.
  • Online surveys: The fastest and most efficient variant, but with limitations in the representative status of the results and not recommended for projects where confidentiality is very important.
  • Telephone interviews: Due to the low incidence in the households, only recommended in the children’s and youth market if address lists are available.

iconkids & youth has built up a pool teenage- and young adult interviewers in conjunction with Krämer Market Research that is deployed exclusively for iconkids & youth.

Training and support of this interviewer pool is largely provided by iconkids & youth itself. This team of young interviewers is dispersed throughout Germany and based on current representative sample points (BIK-samples).

Would you like to find out more or get a concrete offer?

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