

iconkids & youth consists of an interdisciplinary team, some of whose members have been engaged in research with young target groups for more than 20 years. A broad variety of clients and research topics has always enabled us to gain experience which is not only confined to single topics or areas, but also includes the full spectrum of life and consumption settings of kids and young people as a whole.

Axel Dammler

Managing Director
Degree in communication sciences

Ingo Barlovic

Managing Director
Master’s degree in business administration

Denise Ullrich

Senior Project Director
Master's degree in business administration

Karin Henneberger

Senior Project Director
Degree in psychology

Nilufar Amberger

Senior Project Manager
B. Sc. BWL

Angelika Parsche

Data Reporting Manager
Degree in sociology

Christian Neudecker

Data Reporting Manager
Master's degree in geography

Dorena Moegen

Project Manager
M. A. Soziologie

Nicole Moser

Office Management
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