

iconkids & youth has years of experience in the organization and moderation of seminars and workshops with a wide range of goals, e.g.:

  • Development of new products
    We have a wide portfolio of workshop techniques so that a creative workshop can actually generate something new – without the creative process becoming laborious for everyone involved.
  • Kick-off workshops
    We create the framework to get everyone involved on board at the start of a new initiative, determining joint goals and defining the next steps.
  • Strategy workshops
    Fundamental decisions need the right preparation and a sensible process to prevent them from drifting into nebulous areas. We make sure that the right balance between an open discussion and a stringent decision-making process is found.
  • Employee coaching
    We bring your employees closer to the young target group, e.g. with workshops with or without the participation of the target group, joint shopping tours, in-home sessions…

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